OK, got this AWESOME idea. How 'bout we have SHNAIL OLYMPICS!!!! Actaully, idea Credit to Shay. Anyways, the Rules:
-Make a Snail to Compete. Draw it, make it in Gimp, Paint, Photoshop, whatever!
-Must have a name.
-Must have a SKILLS table. A Good skill table would be:
(your username here)
(your snails's name here in BIG LETTERS. Any color you want!)
Srength: ___________
Speed: _____________( max: .1 MPH.)
Agility: _______________
How Fast he/she can eat a Waffle: __________
Other SKILLZ: __________________
These Olympics shall be held every year! Winter and Summer! Here are the Snails who have entered:
There are only 10 slots SO ENTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The events:
-High Crawl
-Waffle Eating
-The *BOOM* Event: Who can spread the Most of themselves after being blown up?
-andd....Running. Well, er.....Crawling.
ENTER NOW!!!!!!!! The events will take place on July 20th!