There has opened a new mini-site for pokemon HG & SS, its only 3 weeks away from the japanese release:D, gonna get that rom then, well here are some pics:
Old and new boxes.
Prof. Elm's lab, Chikorita VS Sentret, Radio Tower, 10 years later.
Pokethlon with some mini-games.
Route above Ilex forest, entering Sprout tower, komoni girl in Ilex forest, Gold VS Ho-oh, Lugia is comming, Mareep in Pokedex.
2nd gym, 4th gym.
Several pokemon following you.
Touch screen functions.
Kurts house, goldenrod city, to tin tower.
Battle entei, pokedex,
Eqcruteak:S city, ur house, cherrygrove city.
Battle with Youngster, 6th gym VS Jasmine.
Totodile VS Growlithe, ur team on touch-screen.
Catching first pokemon:D, Totodile lvl 6:D
First route, cave to Azalea Town, i think sea to ciandwood (beautiful sea).
Learning TM14, Totodile evolves.
Pokécenter, Pokémart.
Goldenrod Dept. store, radio tower, burned tower.
3rd gym VS Withney.
Trade, linking battle.
Wi-fi station, map of the world.
Battle hall (hopefully not everything is the same), wi-fi plaza.
TDO :pball: